7+ Shot List Template and the Functions to Help Filming Easier

Most people may not be familiar with shot list template but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. If you are a cinematography student or you work in the video making industry, such a template is super crucial. Those who aren’t familiar with it may not think of it as something crucial or important, but if you want to create a professional filming or video making progress, this kind of shot list will help a lot because it gives you a sense of guidance in the right path.

Understanding Shot Lists

The shot list is basically a written document containing the plans of video making or film processing. The document contains a map of what to shoot and what items used in the movie or video scenes. Think of the shot list as a checklist but it is a detailed one. It helps the crew to provide directions and preparation, including the expectation for the progress. Without the shot lists, the work can be in a chaotic and messy organization. No one knows what to do next or what properties to include in the scene.

Although most people claim that the shot list is mostly beneficial for bigger movie or video productions, it is not always the case. You are free to use the shot list in any kind of production – big or small. In a big production, however, the list is super useful because it can organize things better. When several shots are required within a certain setting involving different actors, things can be confusing. But with the shot list, it can be simpler and easier. You won’t have to worry that you miss some shots or some important elements of the production.

How to Make the Shot Lists

Keep in mind that shot lists are often made together with the pre-production and script writing process. With the shot list template, the process can be made easier, but how do you compose such a thing? Generally, a shot list contains:

  • Shot numbers
  • Scene numbers
  • Shot description
  • Location
  • Action or dialogue
  • Framing
  • Props needed
  • Actors involved
  • Extra notes

Here are some extra tips to make everything easier:

  • Organize the shots and try to manage it on the shot location. When you make grouping of similar shots, you will make the process easier. You can film or record everything within one time management.
  • Managing the shot list doesn’t have to be in the orderly fashion. In general, you may need to take the shots in a random manner but then arrange it to make the story flows smoothly. Just because the order in the movie is set in A, B, and C, for instance, it is possible that you take the shots in C, A, and B manner. Get it?

You may not realize the importance of the shot list template, but wait until you have to make your own project. Try to make a small video project of your own and try to use the template. You will see then that the shot list template will be super handy.

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Shot List Template 285 KB 330

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