Resignation Letter Due to Relocation and What to Write Inside It

When you decide to relocate, especially to a better place with easiness in getting some logistics or others, leaving the current job sometimes becomes the consequence to be faced. If you face this condition, you may write a resignation letter due to relocationto your employer.

Substantively, you do not need to specify the reason for resigning from the job. However, since relocation is neutral, mentioning it is a good idea. By stating that you want to relocate, the management will know the latest circumstance of you –and also your family.

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Why and How to State Resignation Letter Due to Relocation

These are some rational reasons why mentioning that you are relocating to the employer is a good idea. First, through mentioning the leaving reason –that is relocation, the management and employer will know the updated information of your contact.

Second, as we have said before, relocation is a neutral reason. By stating this reason, of course, the management could accept your asking. Maybe, it will be different when you leave the current job because of the negative opinion of the company.

Rational Reasons to Write Resignation Letter Due to Relocation

Relocation itself could be the reason why you want to leave your current job. However, sometimes, the reason for relocation should be specified.

These are some rational reasons why you need to relocate, which can be the considerations when you write the letter. Those reasons are:

  • Finding an opportunity with the other company that is located near the home
  • There is a need to take care of the parents because of their health condition
  • You need to seek professional medical assistance that is located in a different area
  • Another reason, such as a need to continue the study, and others

Statement to Include Inside Resignation Letter Due to Relocation

To make a good resignation letter, these are some statements and parts of the letter to be included. The basic statements to be written inside this letter are:

  • A statement that mentions you want to resign clearly
  • The date of the last work
  • The short explanation of the leaving reason
  • A polite thank you
  • The positive moment and experience during the working
  • A statement of help to find another figure during the transition

Sample of Resignation Letter Due to Relocation

Here, we have a simple sample of the resignation letter that can be another reference for you. The sample is:

Dear Mrs. Jenny

I write this letter is to inform you that I must resign from my position as a manager at JKL Company. It is because my family decides to relocate to NYC to be closer to the parents. My last day of work will be around two weeks after this letter. I am sorry for any mistake that I did.

Over the next two weeks, I will push myself to finish all ongoing projects and jobs. I would like to make sure that every job can be finished before my last working day. Besides, I am also available when you need my help to find the right person to replace my position.

It will be another pleasure to work with you. If you need more information, you could contact me by phone at (999) 717-1212.

That is all about the resignation letter due to relocationthat you need to know. Hopefully, it will be useful for you all.



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