3+ Basic Html Template


Basic Html5 Template and Free Sample

When you learning about HTML5 and adding new techniques in your toolbox, you may want to make your own boilerplate where you can start all HTML5-based projects. Of course, you do need to consider various things to use one of the dozens online sources that provide you with basic HTML template sample.

Well, in this article, you will see how to start it. You can begin with the simplest one and check some tips below.

The doctype

Of course, you need to have the document type declaration or known as the doctype. This is the only way to tell your browser – what kind of document which been looking at. In the HTML files, it means that the specific version and taste of html.

You should know that doctype should be the first item in the top part of any html file. It should be simple and straight. Doctype can be written in lowercase, uppercase or mixed them up. You will see that “5” was missed out of declaration. It is actually the evolution of previous HTML standards.

Knowing elements in HTML 

Next up, an HTML document is the html element which not changed significantly with html5. In this point, you need to include the attribute of xmlns. In html5, it is no longer used and the lang attribute does not need in a document to validate or function correctly.

Things to know about the head element 

The next section of this page is the head section. The first line in ahead is the part that defines the character coding in that document. This is another element which been simplified and it is the optional feature – but it is pretty recommended.

To ensure that all browsers can read the character coding correctly, the whole declaration of character coding should be included in one place in your document, It should occur before the content-based elements.

Leveling your playing field 

In the first time when html5 was introduced, it includes some new elements such as the articles and sections. You may think that it would be the main issue for the browser supports for unrecognized browsers, but you are wrong. Since most big browsers do not care with what tags that you use/

If you have html document with the receipt tag inside, then your CSS attaches some styles in that element.

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