20+ Resume Format Template Guide and Styles

The proper writing of a resume – with the right resume format – will make you look like a credible candidate although this may be your first time applying for the job. Just because you have never written any resume before, it doesn’t mean that you should make yours look messy and unprofessional. That’s why it is crucial to know the right formats so you know the proper format and you know which mistakes to avoid.

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The Functions of the Resume

When you are applying for a job, you need to advertise yourself. You are the product that companies are looking for and you need to ‘sell’ yourself. The resume is your way of advertising yourself. That’s why you need to find a way to polish your resume, so it is saleable and the hiring manager will be interested in hiring you.

You need to make sure that your resume will stand out among the others. Imagine this: the hiring manager will receive tenths of resumes and application letters on a daily basis. Why should they be looking into your resume? If the resume doesn’t look interesting, they won’t look into your resume at all. It doesn’t mean that you should make super cheesy or flashy resume just to get noticed. You only need to make sure that it is visually attractive and the content is related to the job offering or the vacant position.

Different Formats

There are different kinds of resume format. The most popular ones are the 3 types:

  • Reverse chronological. If you have a lot of working experiences, this would be the most popular option.
  • Skill/functional based. This is perfect if you are thinking about making a change in your career or you don’t have enough working experience
  • Combinations. This would be the perfect format if you have various combinations of working experiences and skills. This is also the most popular option that is often used together with the resume builder.

How to Make One

One of the most important things when thinking about resume format is the layout. The organized one will be different from the cluttered type. If it is ignorable, it will be visible right away. The proper layout should have:

  • At least one page, and maximum three pages.
  • Easy to read fonts so avoid having too decorative or too artistic ones. They may be attractive but they may not easy to read
  • Clear section heading
  • Enough white space

The contents should include:

  • Contact information of yourself
  • The professional summary of the resume
  • Professional title
  • Working experience
  • Skills
  • Education

Depending on the role (and also company) that you are applying for, you need to consider the layout. If you want to seek for a work in an artistic industry, the modern template may be the perfect option. If you are applying for the marketing position in an investment bank, the simple layout would be the best pick. Be sure to be adjustable and flexible about the type of layout and format so you may nail the job. As long as you can come up with the right resume format and the related contents, you should be good to go.

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