Why Should I Write A Job Termination Letter?

Terminating employment with an employee is not an easy thing. But, if your company needs to take the step, then you have no other choice. Even if you have told your employee concerned that he/she will be fired, you still need to write a job termination letter. This letter has several important aspects that should not be overlooked, we will discuss them briefly in this article.

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What Is The Importance of A Termination Letter?

A termination letter for a job will be very useful, including for your company or the employees. From the side of the terminated employees, they can make claims for unemployment benefits using a termination letter.

On the other hand, if the employment relationship is terminated due to an error or violation committed by an employee, usually the employee will not get unemployment benefits. It is also important for you to have a copy of the termination letter accompanied by the employee’s signature.

How To Write A Termination Letter?

After you know that writing a termination letter is important before terminating an employee from the company, now is the time to pay attention to some of the elements that you must include when writing your job termination letter.

Reasons for Termination of Employment

Your company must have reasons related to the termination of employment that you took. You can include these reasons in the letter briefly, so your employees know what is going on. Even if the dismissal occurs because of a violation committed by an employee. However this is optional, you can write it or choose to not write the reason.

The Last Day of Work

The next point that you must write in your termination letter is the last date they stopped working. This can help them to prepare anything better and maximally.

Property Receipt

It is also important to write down information about company property, benefits, and the employee’s latest salary.

Job Termination Letter Sample

Make sure you know well about some important elements you are going to write in a termination letter.

Dear Amanda Kathleen,

You already know that for the past few months First Company has been experiencing financial difficulties due to the pandemic which has had a huge impact on our industry. I have made several efforts, such as providing big promotions or introducing new products virtually on various social media. Unfortunately, these efforts still cannot make this company better.

After conducting a review, I finally concluded that First Company had to cut some employees. We regret to inform you that you are in a position that we must effectively terminate from January 22, 2021.

I appreciate the hard work and extraordinary achievements you have dedicated to our company over these seven years. You will receive your salary and severance pay on the last day of work. If you would like to ask any questions, please contact me at (444)-444-4444.

Thank you Kathleen for your faithful and outstanding work over the years. I am sure you will find a better position in any company because of your excellent abilities. I scheduled an exit interview which will be emailed to you shortly.



Gregory Edward, Owner

First Company

To sum up, it’s important for you to write a job termination letter to your employees. Hope our explanation and sample above can inspire you.


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