Keys to Make a Thoughtful Resignation Letter

A resignation letter is compulsory when you decided to leave your company. However, there are some matters that you have to concern when you are writing it, so you do not ruin your reputation. You have to show how much you appreciate your time working in your company and in a professional way. Of course, you do not want your transition to be a burden for your company, so here some tips—including the formula and a sample that you will find useful in making a thoughtful resignation letter.


Here are Some Keys to Prepare Your Resignation!

Make a good plan about when you will effectively leaving the company.

Two week notice before leaving is the common one. The faster you inform the human resources department, the better it will be. They will have more time to prepare your resignation and hiring new employee to replace your position, so you can leave smoothly.

Finish your current project.

This is really important so you will ease your coworker not to cause lots of workloads when you leave. Make sure you will be cooperative enough in this whole process of resignation. If you find it hard to finish it on time, it is okay to rely on your trusted coworker—if they are willing to do so. You can pay them back when they finish helping your work by treating them to dinner or just paying them in cash.

Don’t state any bad things about your company in your thoughtful resignation letter.

Don’t slide any words of a bad impression about your company. There is a time for that later when you are invited to an exit interview. Yet, you still have to say it in a nice manner.

Now, the Formula of the content!

Here are some points that you need to write down in a thoughtful resignation letter:

  1. The date of your effective resignation.
  2. Reason for your resignation (optional).
  3. Thanking the company.
  4. Showing your cooperation.
  5. Your contact information.

Now, the brief sample!

Dear Mr. Wazowsky,

It is with grief that I have to write this letter to inform you that I have an intention to resign from ABC Inc. I will be leaving this company effectively on January 30, 2021. I decided to leave due to my study abroad.

It has been a good time working here, and I appreciate every moment I had with the team. ABC Inc. gave me many opportunities to learn and move forward, and I am so grateful for this.

I have finished the current project that has been assigned to me. I am also open to training a new employee if you need me to. Please contact me by phone at (123) 456-7890 or by email at if you want to discuss this matter further. I hope that I can make fewer burdens so this resignation process will run smoothly. Finally, I thank you for your understanding.   


Best regards,


Sarah Wilson


Showing your thoughtfulness in a resignation letter is necessary. The information above may be useful to make your own good and thoughtful resignation letter. Good luck!


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