Resignation Letter Due to Unsatisfactory Work Circumstances to Get Better Workplace

The condition or the environment of the workplace will influence the interest of working. That is why some workers make the resignation letter due to unsatisfactory work circumstances when they find under expectation conditions inside their workplace.

Making a resignation letter because of the unsatisfactory workplace is acceptable. Some employees may accept any condition of their workplace. However, the bad environment could be toxic and it will disturb the feeling of working and productivity.


What is Resignation Letter Due to Unsatisfactory Work Circumstances?

Substantively, this letter is similar to the common resignation letter. It means this letter is made to leave the position of the job. However, unsatisfactory work circumstance becomes the main reason why this letter is made.

This letter is a legal document. It means the employee who wants to leave his or her position because of the unwell working place should make it. The reasons inside the letter sometimes could be a consideration for the employee to change the circumstances and do some reparations.

What to Include in Resignation Letter Due to Unsatisfactory Work Circumstances?

Since the resignation letter –with the kinds of reasons, incudes in a formal and legal document, these are some basic elements of it to be written when an employee makes it. Some basic elements of a resignation letter to be included inside the document are:

  • The date of the written letter
  • The name of the manager or supervisor
  • The highlight of the working time with the company
  • The detailed reasons for leaving
  • An additional description of the issue
  • The last day of the working

Tips to Make a Good Resignation Letter Due to Unsatisfactory Work Circumstances

These are some tips to make a good resignation letter, so your asking could be applied by the employer. Finding a template of the letter can be a good matter since it will ease you to make it.

Besides, the resignation letter should be written with a formal wording option. Do not use an ambiguous word there. Then, pay attention to grammar. It is better to write a simple and short sentence stating some ideas.

Sample of Resignation Letter Due to Unsatisfactory Work Circumstances

There is a sample of the resignation letter that can be a consideration for you. Read the following sample below.

Dear Mr. Hawlett

Through this letter, I would like to inform you about my resignation from my position as a supervisor because of the unsatisfactory work circumstances. I try several months to handle this condition, including with my team but there is no significant change that I get.

Besides, I found hard job desks to do. I have been asked to add the working hour at the weekend and holidays. Sometimes, it is hard for me since I have a little kid at home. Initially, I know and could understand the condition of the company. However, it adds more stress and things to think to me.

Because of the condition, I decided to resign from my position. Before the leaving date, all targets of the company will be finished as well. Thank you for your attention. If you need more information, you could call me at (888) 717-2929.

Yours sincerely,


That is all about the resignation letter due to unsatisfactory work circumstances. Remember, do not send it in hurry and give the employer times to consider your letter!


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