1+ Programmer Resume Template

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Programmer Resume Template to Show Professionalism

For those who want to be a new programmer, knowing about the programmer’s resume template is an important matter to be done. Well, as we know, a resume is an important document to highlight personal information, including skills and abilities.

By a clear resume, of course, the recruiter will know who you are and the detailed skills that you have. We are sure that it is very essential since the information inside a resume will be a consideration by the recruiter to value whether you are applicable or not.

On this occasion, we will talk to you about the detailed matters of the resume for a programmer. What matters to be known about it? Read the following writing wholly.

Sample of Professional Programmer Resume

Andrew Johnson

Cambridge, MA | (555) 181-1371 | Andrew.johnson@email.com

Summary of Qualification

  • Good evaluate interface between software and hardware
  • Design, analyze and test the whole performance of the different device, as computer equipment, electronic, electrical and others
  • Build, test, and modify some different products and prototypes using the different models

Key Skills

  • Administration and system development
  • Network development
  • System analysis
  • Virtualization
  • Code writing
  • Hardware modification
  • Program revision and development

Work History

Lancing New Technologies, Cambridge, MA

Programmer, March 2015 to current

  • Collaborated with the management of the product to design, build, and test the new system
  • Integrated the virtual and constructive program
  • Collaborated with the team and developers to identify the performance of the product and create some modification

The International System, Cambridge, MA

Junior Programmer, June 2011 to April 2014

  • Build, tested, and deployed scalable and modular software products
  • Implemented the search engine optimization to improve the searching result
  • Evaluate the multiple software solutions

SAM International, Cambridge, MA

Technical Intern, June 2007 to May 2010

  • Answered and triaged the detailed requests, especially to provide kinds of support based on the needs
  • Investigated and corrected the problems with some different devices, such as copiers, printers, and others
  • Delivered the training about the network technology to the junior and the new members of the teams


Bachelor of Science – Informatics

The State University of Cambridge, United States

How to Make a Professional Programmer Resume?

Since a resume is very essential to be applied during the recruitment process, of course, you need to be careful in writing the whole document. Here, we have several ways that you may follow to make a professional programmer resume.

The ways to be followed in writing a professional resume are:

  • Find the right basic format of the professional resume
  • Add the personal details and contact information
  • Start the resume with an interesting heading statement
  • List the relevant experience
  • List the detailed education
  • Put the relevant skills that fit with the jobs
  • Include another important information that is needed

What are the top skills that a professional programmer needs to have?

Some skills should be had by a professional programmer, especially to run their responsibilities. Some important skills to be had are:

  • Self-motivation
  • Writing skills
  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving capability
  • Mathematical skills
  • Proficiency with the languages of programming
  • Learning concept
  • Attention to detail

What are qualities that are important to be a professional programmer?

To be a professional programmer, you need to have some qualities. The qualities here also will be the basic matter to be considered by the recruiter.

Some qualities that a programmer needs to have are:

  • A good team player
  • Broad and deep technical experience
  • Quick learning ability
  • Positive attitude
  • Great communication skills
  • Big-picture focus

What are mistakes to be avoided in writing a professional resume?

In writing a professional programmer’s resume, some mistakes should be avoided. The mistakes to be avoided are:

  • Apply the wrong concept for a resume
  • Writing too-long information inside a resume
  • Include obvious skills
  • Provide unclear information
  • Bold wrong information
  • Typo and grammatical error
  • Inconsistent

Kinds of Programmer Resume Template

To ease you in writing a professional programmer’s resume, you may use some templates as a helper. Well, using a template will ease you since a template provides the detailed arrangement of the whole resume.

We have some templates about the resume for a programmer that may inspire you here.

Application Programmer Resume Template

When you have the skills to make kinds of applications, becoming a professional application programmer is a good matter to be chosen. Well, by using this template, you could highlight kinds of your abilities, so that the recruiter could choose you.

Game Programmer Resume Template

Are you interest in building a game? Well, you could be a new game programmer. It is not only interesting but also challenging to make a new game. Through this template, providing the personal information to be selected as a new programmer will be easier.

Analyst Programmer Resume Template

The analyst programmer is an important position, especially to value the available application. Here, you may join the company to be an analyst. Use this template to show that you could be a professional analyst, as they need.

Professional Programmer Resume Template

For a professional programmer that wants to continue their career, this template can be a true helper to be applied. By using this template, you could highlight the whole experience to increase personal value.

No Experience Programmer Resume Template

When you have no experience but want to be a new programmer, this template of the programmer’s resume can be applied. It is a simple resume to be applied for. You just need to follow the arrangement and you will have a professional resume.

Entry-Level Programmer Resume Template

For those who want to be a new programmer for the first time, you may use this template as the helper. Here, you will find some detailed information that should be included in a professional resume. Of course, by using this template, you could show who you are and highlight some capabilities that you have.

That is all about the programmer’s resume template that you need to know. Of course, by knowing some matters about it, writing a resume will be easier. Besides, do not forget to proofread the whole resume to maintain mistakes.


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