7+ Printable Management Consulting Resumes

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Printable Management Consulting Resumes and How to Make It

Finding a sample of printable management consulting resumes is a helpful matter, especially when you want to write a great resume to look for a new job. Well, as we know, the resume will be the first-to-read document by the recruiter.

By highlighting a complete job description and kinds of skills, awards, and other matters, we are sure that the chance to be recruited will be bigger. That is why you need to be careful and serious in writing the whole resume to be a new management consultant.

On this occasion, we will talk about some matters inside management consulting resumes that you need to know, including how to make it. For those who are curious about it, please take a seat and read the following writings.

Sample of Management Consulting Resumes

To inspire you in writing a resume to be a new management consultant, here we have a simple sample to follow. Of course, it is a simple sample and you could see how the detailed information should be added and arranged:

Freddy Murphy

Hartford CT | (555) 182-1001 | freddy.murphy@email.com


Qualified consultant with 6+ years of experience assisting in creating and delivering a different innovative solution for the Sales Manager, especially to maintain the relationship with the customers. Possessing different superior customer communication skills between technical teams and business to med new developments as it is needed.


The State of Green Valley

Marketing and Management Program

August 2010 – December 2014


Nordic Tech, Consultant

July 2019 – current

  • Meet and exceed the monthly KPIs
  • Provide the kinds of business with detailed information and assistance based on the incentive programs of the company
  • Coordinate all marketing activities to the complete community
  • Assist in accessing the kinds of resources, including the information of the labor market, job fairs, and the different recruiting assistance that is needed

Nordic Clean water, Assistant Consultant

August 2015 – July 2019

  • Assessed the needs of human resources by conducting the surveys of business, the surveys of customer’s satisfaction, and the job analysis
  • Built and managed the great sales pipeline
  • Contacted the new business and employers to provide detailed information and orient them to the center services and provided follow up


  • CPA
  • PMP
  • High concentration
  • Great negotiation
  • Ability to work in hours
  • Multitasking
  • Good communication skills both verbal and written
  • Ability to manage kinds of the deadline

How to Make Good Management Consulting Resumes

To make a good management consulting resume, there are some ways that you need to consider to ease it. Some ways to be considered are:

  • Create a title page included some basic contact information
  • Make a simple table of contents
  • Write an interesting summary
  • Write an introduction
  • Include some analysis of the issue
  • Include recommendations
  • Write a conclusion
  • Add and appendix

What should be included inside a management consulting resume?

Inside this resume, you need to include some basic and important points. The points are:

  • Basic contact information
  • The information of education
  • The information of experience
  • Some skills
  • Different abilities

How to get the intention of the recruiter in the recruitment process?

It is very important to get the intention and attention of the recruiter during the recruitment process. One of the best ways to be done to get it is by writing a professional management consulting resume.

Remember, a resume is the first document that will be read by the recruiter during the recruitment process. By writing a professional paper, of course, your resume will be more interesting and the recruiter will be curious about it.

Is the design of a resume important to be considered?

The answer is yes. A unique design of the resume will provide a more interesting detail and view of the resume. Of course, your resume will be more unique than others. However, you need to be wise in applying the kinds of design.

You may find many ideas for resume designs through the internet. However, be wise to use a simple design to provide better readability of the resume.

Kinds of Management Consulting Resumes Templates

Using a template can be the solution when you want to make a professional printable management consulting resumein easier ways. By using a template, all you need to do is just following the basic matters of it.

Here we have some templates that may help you to write your professional resume to get a new job.

Entry Level Management Consulting Resume Template

This template is a very simple idea to be applied, especially when you want to be a management consultant for the first time. Of course, it can be the option to write a professional resume since you have no experience to be inserted.

Analyst Management Consulting Resume Template

Becoming an analyst in management consulting is a great level for the career. However, there will be a tight recruitment process to be faced. This template can help you to provide detailed information about your personality to interest the recruiter.

Experienced Management Consulting Resume Template

For those who have experience as a management consultant, this template is a good helper to continue your career. By using this template, it will be easier to highlight the detailed experiences to interest the recruiter.

Internship Management Consulting Resume Template

It is a simple template that can be a good helper for those who want to get a position as a consultant in management with an internship contract. This template is very simple and clear. You could highlight the whole personal information and get your new position.

No Experience Management Consulting Resume Template

Having no experience sometimes becomes a problem when an individual wants to be a management consultant. However, it can be cleared by using the template. By following the arrangement of the information, here you could interest the recruiter easily.

Well, that is all about the printable management consulting resumes that you need to know. By making a professional resume, we are sure that you could get your dreamed position. In addition, before sending the resume to the recruiter, please proofread the whole document to manage the mistakes. Hopefully, it will be useful for you all.


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