3+ Free Printable Postcard Template

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Creating Your Free Printable Postcard Template Sample


The free printable postcard template sample can be useful for you to have your postcard. This template is helpful, especially when you need to send the invitation or grateful cards.

Creating a postcard by yourself can be the right choice. Besides, you can adjust what you need, and the postcard could be authentic enough. You can make one of it when you do not find any in the stores.

If you are interested in creating your free printable postcard template sample, you can start with the cardstock from the store.


Free Printable Postcard Template Sample

When you decide to create your postcard by yourself, you unleash your creativity to provide the best in your postcard. Moreover, having one of yourself can be more authentic since you know well about what you need in your postcard.

If you are new in creating a free printable postcard template sample, you can buy cardstock in the store; then, you print out the images as you want to be glued in it. You can continue by experimenting with glitter, paint, or other things. But, you need to know the rules and regulations of the postcard.

1. Regulations and Rules when you create your free printable postcard template sample

  • The thickness of the postcard

When you decide to print a postcard, you need to consider the paper used. A postcard’s sheet should be between 178mm and 406mm


  • The shape of a postcard

What makes it called letter is the shape as well. A configuration of the letter should be a rectangular shape with a minimum 105mm high and 148mm long. While the maximum size is 235mm long and 120mm high.


  • The Typography and colors

A postcard needs to be clear and easy to see when you write something on it. The colors you use are unlimited.

2. Methods you can try to beautify your postcard

After you get your hard file of the free printable postcard template sample, you can enhance it by using some techniques.

  • Paint the postcard to make it more beautiful
  • Print out the various images and fonts on the letter
  • Use glitter to make it different
  • Use stickers based on what your addressee likes
  • Use fabric, ribbon and string Art


When you decide to create your free printable postcard template sample, it does not stop in creating it on the computer. After you finish creating the soft file, then, you print it out, you can make it more beautiful based on your addressee likes. You will have your stunning authentic free printable postcard template sample. 



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