7+ Doctor Curriculum Vitae Template


Doctor Curriculum Vitae Template for Hospital

Working as a doctor is a dream job for many people. To apply for this position, you may need to prepare several things better. As it may not easy, a doctor’s curriculum vitae template can help you to organize your profile and help your chance to land the position.

Why is building a curriculum vitae important? To apply for a specific job such as being a doctor, you need to send a file that informs your skills, capability, and personal data. The document will help the recruiter to get to know you better.

To give some of the best ideas to your CV, here are some of the samples that show how to write a resume to apply for a job in a hospital properly. Some of the tips help you to create an excellent profile document that leads you to the job.

Sample of a Doctor Curriculum Vitae Template

To give you some great inspiration, follow the template below to help you start your first CV.

David Brown

Personal Info

Phone   : (555) 112-988-002

Email     : David89brown@gmail.com


Profession: Work as an assistant doctor for 3 years in Montreal Hospital. Work as a clinical doctor in Montreal Hospital for 5 years. Work as a general clinical doctor in St. John Hospital for 7 years.

Education: Masters of Medicine and Clinical Practice in Montreal University. Bachelor of Medicine and Clinical Practice at McGill University, and Bachelor of Surgery at McGill University, and has a certificate in Global Health Leadership.

Current Position:

Work Experience:

Assistance Doctor

Montreal Medical Centre Hospital

2007 – 2012

  • Working as an assistant doctor in Montreal Medical Centre Hospital since 2007 – 2012. Assisting the doctor in the hospital. Helping to examine the patients’ condition, and interpreting information giving diagnostics from data such as from radiographs.
  • The doctor’s curriculum vitae resume example consists of experience details information like this. Mention how long you have experienced in the field and how much you know about your job. Add details in the resume.
  • Understand the patients’ condition and manage to examine the different disease cases. Can identify the different conditions and disabilities that the patients’ had. Can assist the recovery time of patients.
  • Preparing important tasks, forms, prescriptions, and documentation that are needed for patients.

Associated General Doctor

Montreal Medical Centre Hospital

2012 – 2018

  • Having responsibility to do diagnostics and treatment planning for various patients. Having great understanding to recognize the type of diseases and to interpret X-rays.
  • Giving information about diagnostics tests and educations about the diseases. Can maintain health condition to patients.
  • Doing research, developing models, and practicing the medical methods to maintain patients’ health.
  • Having great understanding to handle the equipment. Practicing the clinical and medical treatment for patients.

Associated Doctor in St. John Hospital

St. John Hospital

2018 – Present

  • Provide general medical treatment with scheduled hours. Having long hours of experience in surgery. Can handle emergencies and do treatment for patients based on the emergency and condition.
  • Can coordinate daily activities and schedules. Can associate with the doctor and discuss the medical treatment and work duties in a forum.
  • Handle the job position and manage to develop skills and health treatment for patients. All of these details are included in the free doctor curriculum vitae resume sample.


Doctor in Medicine

Iowa University

Internal Medicine

2000 – 2004

BS in Biology

California University

2004 – 2006


Iowa Medical Doctor Conference, Panel Speaker 2011

California World Disease Conference 2017


Members of World Medical Doctor in the United States

Key Skills

  • A disciplined physician with great confidence and long experience. Has professional practice license in the medical field.
  • Have a great understanding of clinical settings and hospital work areas. Strong background and excellent humanity to work in wide areas.
  • Provide experience care expert performance in medical treatment. Compose great awareness and assurance to work ethic.
  • Great personality that can understand the forthcoming information, empathetic and courteous, and honesty.

How to Write a Resume Doctor Curriculum Vitae

To write a resume for a curriculum vitae template for a doctor, here is a sample that contains step by step that guide you to manage your profile better.

  • Start the resume by writing an objective document with honest and factual data.
  • Explain and elaborate on the experiences that you have been involving in your career.
  • Provide details information including the education section in your resume.
  • List the additional data that may help your resumes such as achievement, conferences, and others.
  • Give information about your soft and hard skills. Write all of the points in your resume and manage the format by following the sample.

People Also Ask

How to Start Making a Doctor Resume?

Making a letter that is sent to the medical department may not look easy. You may need to know closely how to build a good resume for a doctor. The easy tips to start your doctor curriculum vitae resume template word is explained down below:

  • Start your resume by preparing the document early. Collect all of the important details that are needed in the resume.
  • Inform the information in detail with a clear format. You can write your experience in a highlighted way.
  • When you write a letter, make sure you put the information accurately. To make an excellent resume, you need to prepare your medical CV well. Make sure you do not miss out on important details.

How to Make a Medical Resume in a Structure Format?

To write a letter that is written based on the right format, you may need to understand some of the points that are expressed below to help you create a great structure for your resume format. Check out all of the helpful points here.

  • To make an excellent resume, you must create a CV based on the format. Follow the steps that help you to build your resume better.
  • Give some highlights of your skills related to a physician. Give a summary and description of the job that you have done in the past.
  • Complete the resume by adding the details such as undergraduate experience, fellowships, publications and professional work experience, licensing, and certification.

By giving a list of experience in your resume, you can build a good doctor curriculum vitae template that is capable to send in the foundation, medical health company, and hospital that needs your skills. By using the sample, you can create a detailed sample in an excel format.


Doctor Curriculum Vitae Template Sample



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