Copyright Permission Letter And Its Sample

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What Is A Copyright?

AA copyright means the legal right of the owner about intellectual property. A person who has the copyright is allowed to copy and sell the products. When someone uses another’s copyright material without permission, especially for commercial purposes, this will lead to legal actions. This is why you need the copyright permission letter.

What Are The Purpose Of Copyright?

Copyright, of course, have a purpose which mainly to protect the owners’ right from getting stolen. Here are some of the benefits and purposes of copyright:

Economic and Public Interest

In this digital era, people can use anything for their purpose, especially for business use. The use of the copyright is to make sure the owner’s work will not get stolen and gain money from it.

Exclusive Rights

If you have the copyrights, you can decide who can use your artwork and to whom you will distribute it. In short, copyrights help you to protect your masterpiece.

It Gives A Sense Of Security

The copyrights give a sense of security for the owner. Imagine if everyone can copy and distribute the artwork and use it for their purpose. This will give you full control over what purpose someone is allowed to use your work.

Moral Rights

Indirectly, the purpose of copyrights is to increase moral rights. Naturally, people will think more creatively to make something new without stealing someone’s work. If someone doesn’t use copyright, this will be easier for another person to claim it is his/her. Everyone hates this!

What Are The Format Of A Copyright Permission Letter?

If you are planning to use someone’s work

To make a copyright permission letter, make sure to include the ISBN or the copyrighted material. Add also the contact information so the owner can contact you. State clearly what is going to be reprinted and where it will be used. It is also wise to include a sample of how this will be added to your projects or products.

The Example of Copyright Permission Letter

Dear Mr. Pablo


I am a student from the fashion department of ABC University and currently under a project. Next 4th February 2021 I am going to have a fashion exhibition. I would like to ask your permission to use one of your paintings in some of my designs. The following is the detail of work that I am requesting for permission:

Title: Flowers Grow In The Hell

Date Published: October 20, 2008.

Published by: Excellent Work Company

Details Of The Artwork: Enclosed In The Attachment

Please note these will not interfere with your publishing rights or another permission to use the artwork for someone else. The exhibition revenue will go to charity and I don’t take the profit from this project.

If you approve this copyright permission letter, please sign the attachment I have enclosed and mail it back with an envelope that I have enclosed with this letter.

If you don’t have full authority about this work, please ignore this request and please send it to the one who has the full rights.

Thank you for your consideration.


Yours Sincerely


Hellen Wood

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