9+ Android Developer Resume


Android Developer Resume to Get a New Job

Writing a professional Android developer resume is an important step of your job search journey, especially when you want to be a new developer. Since the development of the Android app is quite significant today, becoming a new developer is a good career to enjoy.

As its name, the main responsibility of the developer is to develop the different apps, systems, and others for a better Android. However, of course, the recruiter will consider some aspects before finding a skilled Android developer and the resume becomes their consideration.

Here, we will talk to you about some matters of the resume for the candidate of Android developer. For those who are curious about it, please read the following writings below.

Sample ofAndroid Developer Resume

Here, we have a simple sample of the resume when you want to apply for a chance of Android developer. By seeing this sample, you could see what to be written inside a professional resume as a way to show who you are.

Flores Sofia

New York, NY | (123) 118-1019 | flores.sofia@email.com

Professional Summary

A high-dedicated and creative lead Android developer with more than 10 years of experience building and architecting cutting-edge Android apps for kinds of mobile devices in insurance, e-commerce, and different industries.


The State University of New York

Master of Science in Computer Science

May 2001 – April 2003

Working Experience

The Blue Ocean Tech, Lead Android Developer

July 2019 – current

  • Launched kinds of Android apps that maintain 4 to 5star rating in the Google Play
  • Architect the kinds of Android application with the pattern of MVP and dependency injection using the Dagger
  • Lead 9+ agile mobile developers in the development of the home insurance app

Jenkins Tech, Android Developer

May 2015 – June 2019

  • Improved customer retention with gamification, loyalty, and geolocation features, including the special offers from the customers using the app
  • Implemented the push notifications, which effectively increase the use of mobile e-commerce
  • Built 20+ cutting-edge Android app to streamline the experience of customer shopping, including the flagship app of the company
  • Wrote the reusable and maintainable Java and C++ code with a better privacy


  • Mobile marketing and advertising
  • Expertise in full agile
  • Java
  • C++
  • Java Script
  • Android NDK
  • Python
  • Attention to detail
  • High creativity
  • Time management

That is all about a sample of the resume for an Android developer. You may follow the arrangement as that sample in writing your professional resume. Pay attention to the detailed information and words that are applied inside the resume.

How to Make Android Developer Resume

Since a resume is an important document, you need to be careful in writing the resume. To ease you in writing the sample, here we have some steps that you may follow. The steps to writing a better sample are:

What are the common skills that a candidate for an Android developer needs to have?

To be a skilled candidate for a new Android developer, you need to have some common skills. The skills that you need to have are:

  • XML
  • SQL
  • Oracle
  • JSP
  • Java Script
  • Jave
  • J2EE
  • HTML
  • Eclipse

What are tips to write a professional resume for an Android developer?

To write a good resume, you may follow some tips below. The tips that you could follow are:

  • Use an active voice in stating the points
  • Use numbers
  • Explain the reasons why you are suitable for the position
  • Use keyword in writing a resume
  • Be accurate in writing the information
  • Use sections
  • Be consistent

Is design important in writing a resume?

Well, the design is quite essential to write a professional resume. By a selected and certain design, you may write a better resume with higher readability. We are sure that the recruiter will be interested in it.

Kinds of Android Developer Resume Template

To ease you in writing a professional Android developer resume, you may use a template of it. Well, the template can be a good helper since it shows the arrangement of the whole information.

Here, we have some templates that you could use as a consideration in writing a professional resume. The templates are:

Professional Android Developer Resume Template

As we have said before, to be selected as a skilled candidate, you need to write a professional resume. This template is a good helper for you. It is a simple resume but it shows the detailed point to be inserted in a great resume.

Creative Android Developer Resume Template

Do you want to shape a unique Android developer resume? Maybe, this template can be a good reference for you. Since design is important to write a good resume, here you will find an interesting resume template with an attractive design to follow.

Modern Android Developer Resume Template

The detail of a professional resume is always up to date day by day. That is why you need to consider a modern template to write your resume. This template can be a great sample for you. It is clear and simple to show who you are.

Minimalist Android Developer Resume Template

If you want to write your professional resume with a simple look, this template is very interesting to be applied. As its name, you will find a minimalist design of a professional Android developer resume. Of course, your resume will have better readability.

Points Android Developer Resume Template

Different from the regular resumes that show numerous parameters, this template is concentrated on the most essential aspects of the resume, especially the skills. By using this template, you will have a tight and simple resume.

That is all about the Android developer resume that you need to know. Of course, by writing a professional resume, you could create a better resume, so a chance to be selected as a new employee will be bigger.

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