10+ 5E Lesson Plan Template


5E Lesson Plan Template and how to make it easy to do

The 5E lesson plan template is the best idea for you who want to get the satisfaction during teaching the children. This plan is an alternative way to design instruction to help to maximize student engagement in learning. The 5 E is standing for Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.

Those ideas are the steps that you and your students will take in order to learn and understand a particular skill. Each area of this 5E lesson plan template idea also will specify what you and the student will access learning so that the lesson plan should be written to reflect the way you give the student some lessons.

How to create a 5E lesson plan template interesting to read

Although this lesson plan seems simple, you need to have five sections for each of the Es in 5E. The way you format this plan also will depend on your school or district. Moreover, how much the format differs, the 5 Es will always remain consistent. To make the student easy to read, you can use an example of a lesson in your template.

The first step in this template is engaging. This part, you have to engage the students in new skills, ideas, or concepts. This idea can be done by activating prior understanding and presenting the question or problem to solve. Your 5E lesson plan template design also needs to explore together or independently.

How to make a 5E lesson plan template easy to do

Furthermore, you also need to explore the template. In this part, you can begin to let the student exploring the concepts or skills in more depth. You can read, watch the video, and so forth to make the student getting a more manipulative idea. When you write the lesson plan, you need to state exactly what the students will be doing.

Besides, you also need to explain your idea in the 5E lesson plan template printable. In this step, the student should be encouraged to share and work through their thinking about what they did during the explore phase. The teacher can ask for their students to guide the question and steer the discussion.

Make a great Elaboration on your 5E lesson plan template

In this phase, the students can participate in an extension or a different activity that either re-teaches an objective or teaches more details about the concept being taught. The student at this level needs an elaboration that will extend or enriches the lesson.

After that, you also need to make an Evaluation for your 5E lesson plan template idea design. This idea will be an objective taught. In this part, you only need to assess what students have effectively learned.

Make it easy with a simple design

You can make it simple to make your 5E lesson plan template easy to read. In this part, you can give some questioning and make sure to keep the scientific method in your mind such as making a hypothesis and analyzing the data and what you can conclude on your template.

5E Lesson Plan Design Ideas

5E Lesson Plan Ideas

5E Lesson Plan Example

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