Resignation Letter Due to Stress and Its Sample

Sometimes, your job feels very stressful. If you are sure that the stress is caused by your job, it may be the right decision to make and send a resignation letter due to stress. This kind of letter can be a professional way to handle this situation.


Can I Resign Because of Stress?

If your job causes you stress and causes health issues, you may need to consider leaving or asking for fewer job responsibilities. It is a good idea to take a break from work if stress impacts you from outside your job.

What to Include in a Resignation Letter Due to Stress?

This kind of letter should contain the following key parts:

  • A salutation or greeting
  • An introduction or opening paragraph
  • The body of the letter in 1 to 3 paragraphs
  • A closing or concluding paragraph
  • A complimentary close
  • Your signature & name

How to Make a Resignation Letter Due to Stress

Here is how to make such a letter properly in step by step:

  • First of all, you have to greet your employer.
  • After that, create a brief summary of your resignation decision.
  • Then, state the exact date of your resignation.
  • Next, include your contact information.
  • If there is any other relevant information, you should include it.
  • Wish to give gratitude for the job.
  • Sign & date the letter.

Tips to Make a Resignation Letter Due to Stress

When making such a letter, make sure to consider these useful tips:

  • Follow the proper format.
  • Ideally, it contains 3 paragraphs.
  • Include all the needed information.
  • Write it on your professional letterhead.
  • Don’t neglect proper spelling and grammar.
  • Don’t forget to sign it off.
  • Send a copy of the letter to your manager or HRD.

A Sample of a Resignation Letter Due to Stress

We provide you a sample of a letter for a resignation due to stress:


Dear Mrs. Swiff,

I’m writing this to inform you that I’m resigning from my current position as a project director at your company. The deadlines are too short and the working hours are too long for me. These make me stressful. So, it is better if I quit the job. My last day working here will be on January 15th, 2021. Please accept my resignation.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this. If you need my help to choose a replacement to take over my responsibilities, I’ll be happy to help you. You can call me at (111)-111-1111 or send an email to

Even though this job is stressful for me, I leave this company with regret. Wish you all the best. I’ll look for my new job in another place. I hope this company continues its success. Thank you very much for your cooperation & understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Joseph

Project Director

OnFire Advertising Services


That is all about a resignation letter due to stress. If you think that your stressful job affects your health, don’t wait too long to write such a letter by following the sample above.



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