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How To Make Cover Page Template With Creative And Elegant Look
The cover page template is the first thing a reader will see and determines they will be interested and then buy or not. It makes the function of the cover page essential for a book. Aside from being a promotional media, the cover page for official documents also has an important role. The cover page provides brief information about the contents of the text as a whole. Before reading further, they know the type and discuss what the document is. So making informative cover pages is the knowledge that must be known.
Some Examples of Usage Cover Page Template
A cover page is a mandatory part of every type of document. Cover pages used to distinguish the kind of text from other materials. For that, there is a cover page template for each different report. The use of cover pages is usually for several elements, among others:
- Non-Fiction Cover Page
Cover pages certainly exist in all types of books, novels, or comics available on the market. The cover page for commercial books serves as a promotional media, so the cover is uniquely and interestingly designed to attract the reader’s interest. Making a cover page for a non-fiction book is usually freer without any specific rules as long as it is interesting and illustrates the contents of the book.
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- Academic Cover Page
Cover pages are also commonly used for academic documents. Making cover page templates for educational materials is more official and has standard writing conventions. Formats widely used to create cover page designs are the American Psychological Association (APA), the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), or the Modern Language Association (MLA).
- Business Cover Page
Cover pages are also commonly used in business and industrial environments. Usually, the cover page used follows the culture or image of the business. Sometimes the cover page used in business documents is professional with a simple and elegant appearance. But for some creative industries, the cover page used is more fresh and innovative. This difference is undoubtedly for each business line to have the characteristics depicted in their cover pages.
Things That Must Be In The Cover Page Template
You can load any information on the cover page as long as it is still relevant to the document’s contents and not excessive. Adjust the essential parts to be highlighted by making them use larger or different fonts. There is some information that must be on a cover page. The report includes the title or subtitles of a document. This part is essential because a claim must be able to describe the contents of the material. The name and title of the author. But if the document is a result of several people, then include the name of the department. Next is the cover image or cover photo. You can use some simple templates on the internet. For company documents, you should include a company logo with a proportional size. Other information on the cover page is the description of the material, but it is not mandatory.
Cover Page Design Ideas
Cover Page Ideas
Cover Page Example
After knowing several types of cover pages and the information contained in the cover page template, then you can create a cover page appropriately for the appropriate purpose.