10+ Workout Plan example psd design

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Get The Best Workout Plan Template with These 4 Simple Steps


The healthier our bodies, the happier we become. This quote could not be more true recently. The case is especially so since body positivity and a healthy lifestyle are more popular nowadays. Working out now does not always mean someone must go to the gym. There are a lot of YouTube videos that show the workout plan.

To make an understandable workout plan template, here are some ideas for the catch.

Provide Simple Yet Attractive Illustration

People do not like reading manuals. A practical guide often is overlooked because it seems complicated and unattractive. To make an appealing guide, provide an eye-catching yet concise illustration. Illustration helps to visualize the movements we need to do.

Instructions should be clear and concise, but they also need to have a point that makes people keep reading the manual. Body movement illustration by far, is the most understandable to explain the workout movement.

Choose Solid and Thick Paper

People read their workout plans almost every day to adjust to the instructions given daily. If the workout plan template has a thin and easily crumpled paper, it will tear only for a couple of days. As a solution, choose a reliable and thick paper as the media to print out the instructions.

The excellent quality of the paper determines the brilliance of colors from the illustrations as well. People love reading something with vibrant colors compared to a dull and unattractive one. Choose a material that has a thickness above 120 mm.

Pick Calm but Eye-catching Color

Since the workout plan has several pages, choose a calm and natural color. If shade is too blinding or too dim, it will affect the readability of the book. Colors like cream, pastel blue, soft purple, and mustard are colors that you can choose.

When the color sets well, match it with the illustrations and other elements.

Sort The Order of The Manual

The order of the workout plan is highly crucial. For example, for day one, the reader should follow some exercise and meal plan. Usually, it differs weekly based on the progress of the workout. If the manual jumbles in a mess, it influences people’s willingness to read it every day. Even worse, the workout plan may end up being in trash sooner than expected.

Thus, in the process of its production, sort out the manual instructions. Make sure it follows the guidelines by default. If it is in order already, then it can pass to the binding section.

Print Out The Manual into A Book

An exercise plan does not consist of one set of movements only. There are also other exercises where readers need to follow. To make it more accessible and compatible to carry around, gather all the manuals and illustrations in order. After that, compile them and print them as a book.

Secure the binding with a stapler or other sticky media. To make the paper secure, use cotton or solid paper.

Now that everything is ready and you know what to do. You can have one workout plan template for yourself to help with your exercise and a healthy diet.


Workout Plan Ideas

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