This article will be your guidance to take some steps in becoming an insurance customer service representative. We will give you a brief explanation about all the important stuff you need to know before deciding to apply to an insurance company and the sample of a good insurance customer service representative cover letter that will be a magic guidance to make your own cover letter. As we know that a single paper of cover letter has an enormous effect in highlighting your skills and determining your future.
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What are the tasks an Insurance Customer Service Representation does?
- Recommending claim and update insurance records
- Doing paperwork
- Handling mail
- Answering phone call
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Skills you need to be qualified as a good insurance customer service representation:
- Communication skill
- Technical skill (mastering specific software to handle customers such as Blaze desk, Live Chat, Kayako, etc.)
- Interpersonal skill
- Problem-solving
- Patience
- Knowledge of product/service
- Time management
- Empathy
- Adaptability
How much does an Insurance Customer Service Representation earn?
According to data from, as of January 2021, you will get approximately $18.39 per hour in California.
Sample Cover Letter for Insurance Customer Service Representative
This is a brief sample of a fresh graduate who applies for customer service representative:
Dear Ms. Briggs
I write this letter to apply as a customer service in WHY Insurance Group, as advertised on LinkedIn. I am currently graduated with a bachelor’s in administration business at CA University. As for my experience, I took an internship at WWW Insurance Group for one year. During that time, I was trained to do a proper phone manner, handle paperwork and mail, and also use some administrative software.
My experience as a customer service representative in my previous internship has improved my communication skill on how to handle customers and gain their trust while doing it in proper time management and become multi-tasking. I was able to handle 70+ calls daily with duties on updating insurance records and recommending claim actions. Kayako Software is what I use in that company and I have completely mastering it and updating with other software that may beneficial for my performance.
As for my further skill development, I have made a research about your company and able to memorize all of the products from the regular packages, the prizes, and even the special discounts provided by your company. Working in an insurance company has become my passion now. I hope that I can be a beneficial asset to your company.
I am looking forward to having the experience to work in a bigger insurance company as WHY company. A good discussion face-to-face will be my pleasure to prove my qualification in this field. Please contact me at (333) 3333-33333 or send me a mail at and take a moment to give a review of my resume and enclosed documents. Thank you for considering my candidacy as a customer service representative in your company.
Brian Douglas
Those are all the important stuff that you need to know as your guide in becoming an insurance service representative. Good Luck!