Child Custody Agreement to Keep The Responsibilities

For a couple under marriage, sometimes divorce becomes an option to choose. However, when they –the couple, have children, of course, they still need to watch their development. That is why the child custody agreementbecomes an important document to be considered.

The child custody agreement can be a document to make sure that the child will get the affection from the parents fully. Besides, this agreement also will be very useful to avoid the future conflict of the parents because of the child.

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What is Child Custody Agreement?

In simple, the child custody agreement is known as an agreement that is made by divorced parents. The agreement organizes the obligation and right of each parent for the child. On another hand, the agreement also rules the invitation time of each parent.

Substantively, the child custody agreement is very subjective. It means the content of the agreement may be different based on the parents that make it. However, this agreement is legal. That is why the attendance of a lawyer in this situation is quite essential.

What to Include Inside Child Custody Agreement?

The child custody agreement consists of some important parts that are very important to be considered. The elements to be included in making this agreement are:

  • The name of parents –or everyone, involved in the legal agreement
  • The age of any children that are mentioned inside the agreement
  • The details who will be custodial for the children or the noncustodial parents
  • The explanation about with who the child will live with
  • Any agreement of visitation

Tips to Make a Good Child Custody Agreement

These are some tips that should be considered when you want to make a good child custody agreement. Using a certain format of this agreement is needed. It is quite essential since the agreement is a formal document.

On another hand, the language used inside the agreement should be formal. There should be no ambiguous word inside the agreement. Then, the agreement should be concise. At the end of the agreement, there should be a signature and name of the party to legalize it.

Sample of Child Custody Agreement

Dear Attorney Mendy

Joseph and I have discussed the detailed child custody agreement regarding our child, Martha, age 7. Here what we agreed to:

  • Martha will continue to live with Myra at the martial home since she does want to move from the school
  • Joseph will have a regular visitation every weekend starting from Friday at 6 pm until Sunday at 6 pm
  • Joseph also have time to spend with Martha on Wednesday from 6 pm to 9 pm
  • If Joseph has a vacation and he wants to ask Martha to join, he needs to give Myra notice about it at least two weeks before the date

I trust you to legalize this agreement. Another agreement can be discussed when we meet together with you at your office. Thank you for your attention.



That is all about the child custody agreement. The agreement in common is telling about the visitation of the parents. However, another topic can be included when it is thought very crucial.



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