5+ Book Report Template Main Contents

The book report template can be handy and useful, especially for students. Not everyone is endowed with the ability to write well, especially when they have to write in a constructed manner. You can say that writing a book report is quite difficult and challenging, but it isn’t an impossible task. So, what can you do about it?


Understanding the Concept of Book Report

As it was mentioned before, composing a book report is challenging because not only you will have to read a whole book, but you have to analyze the contents as well. The amount of info can be overwhelming, especially when you have to write it down in a relatively small space. You will have to discuss the main theme, the story (the plot), and the characters. You should also analyze the weakness and strength of the story, as well as providing an objective opinion and review.

Keep in mind that a book report is slightly different from a book review. A book report is focusing on the literary work, not only the evaluation. A book review, on the other hand, is focusing on your personal opinion. Of course you will have to include your assessment of the content but then again, you will have to provide your own thoughts whether you think it is good or not, or whether you recommend the book for others or not.

Steps in the Pre-writing Stages

Despite whatever book report template that you choose, you should do these steps when you are planning your book report project.

  • Choose a certain book that you are going to analyze. The basic information is crucial, such as genre, title, and author. What makes the book interesting for you? How do you want to read on?
  • When you read the book, you should make notes. How many characters are they? What are their actions? How is their importance to the story and the plot development? What about the key events? What about the settings?
  • What about the symbols and the major topics? Can you find the main ideas?
  • Find direct quotes that should be included within the report so they can support your arguments or opinions
  • Start organizing your notes. Divide them into headings, sub-headings, lists, and bullet points. Each category should have its own info so make sure you have enough.

The Crucial Elements

If you check the book report template, you need to include all of these elements:

  • The audience of the analyzed book
  • The bibliographical info within the title
  • The background information of the events leading to the book creation
  • The book’s subject and the author’s thesis statement
  • The summary of contents of the book
  • Critical evaluation along with the evidence you found from the book

Of course, there are different kinds of templates, depending on the types of books and also the genres. If your teacher advises you on a certain template, you may want to use that particular template. If not, then you can choose the right template that fits the book’s requirements. If you can follow this, the book report template can really help with your task.

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