6+ Book Cover Template


Book Cover Template Sample

Are you looking for a book cover template sample? If you do, then you have come to the right place. We all know that books can entertain us and take us away from reality. Books can take us to many kinds of adventures, fantasies, and also travel through time. But, it does not matter whether the story of your book is great or not, if your book does not have a good cover, then the readers will unlikely to purchase your book. Besides a great story, an attractive cover is also needed so that people will buy the book. Hence, we will help you by explaining a little bit about a book cover and how to create it.

About a book cover

As you can see from the name, a book cover is the first page that covers a book. Usually, the book cover will contain the title of the book and the artwork that describes the whole point of the story. Not only that but the book cover also usually has textures either embossed or debossed to add some effects. As for the hardbound book, there is a printable book cover that can be removed. Sounds hard, is it not? That is why you need a book cover template sample so you can save your time.

Things you need to pay attention to when making a book cover

Although there is a saying that we cannot judge a book by its cover, a bad book cover will not attract any reader to even touch it. With thousands of books getting published, it will be hard for you if your book cover looks too ordinary and cannot catch the eye of the reader. Hence, here are the things that you need to consider when you make a book cover.

The first one is to imagine yourself to be the reader. You need to see and feel what they want to see and feel about your book. They will see the book cover first so try to prioritize the reader’s preference. The second one is the combination of the title and the book cover. Both of them need to complement each other. If the title is not good enough, then maximize the artwork and vice versa. The last one that you need to pay attention to when you make a book cover template sample is to get the help of designers. Work together with him/her and you are good to go.

Book Cover Design Ideas

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