9+ Technical Writer Resume

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Technical Writer Resume to Start a New Career

When you are interested to be a new technical writer, writing a professional resume is the first step that you need to do. Well, a technical writer’s resume is an important document to be prepared to face the recruitment process, especially to get the attention of the recruiter.

Inside a resume, you could show personal information, including contact information, education, and skills. Besides, a resume also highlights the detailed experience that will be a consideration by the recruiter in recruiting you.

On this occasion, we will talk to you about some details of a professional resume to ease you in writing it. For those who are curious about it, please read the following writings below.

Sample of Technical Writer Resume

Here, we have a simple sample of the technical writer to be your reference. By reading this sample, of course, you could know the arrangement of the resume and what to be included there.

Haddington John

Lehi, UT | (123) 1210-1001 | john.haddington@email.com

Professional Summary

An innovative and highly organized technical writer with more than 10 years of experience crafting internal and external jobs, sending support, and learning documentation. Leverages background in literature to write the different audiences.


Coral Left Side University

Master of English Literatur

August 2003 – May 2005

Working Experience

Trade Tech, Staff Technical Writer

July 2019 – current

  • Led a team of 5 technical writers in creating the new user guides for software products of property management
  • Develop end-user product documentation
  • Helped the first official technical publication of the company
  • Maintained the consistent and efficient working

Jenkins Tech, Senior Technical Writer

August 2015 – June 2019

  • Worked with the team to develop the standard operating procedures for the different departments
  • Built the different knowledge base
  • Create the product release documentation
  • Edited the draft of the product documentation
  • Supported the other teams in handling some projects as it is needed


  • Microsoft office
  • Time management
  • Teamwork
  • Communication skills
  • High dedication

That is all about the sample. You could use the arrangement of the content and personalize the detailed information.

How to MakeTechnical Writer Resume

Since a resume is an important document, of course, you need to be careful in writing it. Here, we have some steps that could be guidance for you to write a professional resume easily.

The steps that you may follow are:

  • Find the right and excellent format of a professional resume
  • Write the basic personal information
  • Add the educational section
  • Write the job experience
  • List the relevant skills to the job
  • Add another important information if it is needed

By using that steps, we are sure that writing a resume will be easier to be done. Of course, you could find another step to follow but those steps above can be a good reference.

What are the common skills that a technical writer needs to have?

To be a professional technical writer, there are some skills that a candidate needs to have. Of course, the skills will be a consideration by the recruiter to see that a candidate is suitable to be recruited.

The skills that a technical writer should have and be mentioned in a professional technical writer resume are:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • Customer service
  • Attention to detail
  • High dedication
  • HTML

What should not be included inside a professional resume?

In writing a professional resume, there are some matters that you do not need to include. The things to be avoided to be included inside a professional resume are:

  • Unprofessional email
  • Personal details
  • Headshot
  • Buzzwords
  • Irrelevant social media profiles
  • Multiple phone number
  • Full mailing address

Is it important to shape a resume with an interesting design?

Well, considering the design of a resume is important. By using a certain design, of course, your resume will be more interesting and it also will have better readability. We are sure that the recruiter will have a higher desire to read a resume with a unique design.

Kinds of Technical Writer Resume Template

To ease you in writing a professional technical writer resume, you may use a template for it. Well, the template can be a good helper since it shows the detailed matter to be written inside a resume.

Here, we have some templates that you may use as a reference. The templates are:

Fresher Technical Writer Resume Template

For a fresher that wants to be a new technical writer, this template is a good helper to be applied. Well, inside this template, you may see the roles of the technical writer that should be done. It also will help you to promote your capabilities.

Experienced Technical Writer Resume Template

If you have some experience as a technical writer, of course, getting a new job will be easier. However, you still need to make a good resume to explore your information. Here, this template will ease your effort to show who you are.

Senior Technical Writer Resume Template

A senior technical writer is an important position, especially to handle some big projects. Of course, to be a new senior technical writer, a candidate will face a tight recruitment process. Here, you may use this template to write your best resume in joining the process.

Business Analyst Technical Writer Resume Template

If you want to focus on a business analyst technical writer, this template is what you need to know. Yes, this technical writer’s resume template provides a clear role of how to write a professional resume. You just need to follow the arrangement to create a better resume.

IT Technical Writer Resume Template

Creating a resume for those who want to be a new IT technical writer is quite challenging. The candidate needs to share their personal information and kinds of experience to interest the recruiter. Here, you could make a great resume using this template.

That is all about the technical writer’s resume that you need to know. Remember, you need to be careful in writing a resume since it is a very essential document. Then, try to find a professional technical writer’s resume template to ease you in writing it.

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