7+ Receipt Template and How to Create a Professional One

You probably don’t understand the importance of the receipt template unless you have a business of your own. Creating your own template can be quite stressful and difficult. Creating a simple receipt is basically easy but it will be a different matter when you want to create a professional one. Of course, there are several alternatives on how you can create such a thing, and it would be interesting to see each option.


The Function of a Receipt

A receipt is basically a written document confirming a business agreement or transaction between two different parties. The receipt is generally the document that signals that both party A and B are working together and they have agreed to conduct the transaction, which results in the invoice, or billing, or receipt of those parties.

You can find such receipt template easily – and they are available in various forms and formats. You can find the templates for Words and also Excel. Some people are into Excel so much while some prefer the Words. Depending on your personal like and preference, you can freely choose your own favorite template.

Use the Template

When you are using the receipt template, you don’t need to create anything from a scratch. Simply use the template (mostly, you can download them) and save them in your device. Whenever you need to bill someone or to send someone the invoice, you only need to use the template. With the template, you only need to fill in the required information, print it out, and you are done. It’s pretty simple, right?

Use the Receipt Maker

Another option that you can have is to use the receipt maker. It is a special program or software that you can use depending on your needs. Some of these programs are pretty flexible and easy to use. They are also free – although some of them may charge you. So, how do you use the maker?

  • Log in or get the access to the software.
  • Follow the directions. Some software even allow you to do some adjustments and tweaks. You can even include your personal business logo or such thing alike.
  • Once you have tweaked everything, you can preview the result.
  • If you are sure with the quality of the outcome, you can print it out or you can save it digitally. If you can’t save it digitally, but you can only print it out, don’t forget to make copies of it and save them all in a special folder.

Handy Tips

When you are about to create the receipt, remember these things:

  • Be sure to be transparent, including about the calculation. Money is a sensitive matter so you want to be sure that everything is transparent
  • Be detailed. What are the products? How many items? What kind of service do you deliver? How many hours have you put into the work? How is the management of the work?
  • Put yourself in your customers’ or clients’ shoes. What kind of information do you want to see when you see the invoice or receipt? How detailed do you want it to be?
  • You can make use of the receipt template – and if possible, make some adjustments that meet your requirements.

Download Template

File Description File size Downloads
Receipt Template 338 KB 354

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