8+ Project Manager Resume

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Project Manager Resume To Continue Career in a Better Position

It can be said that a project manager is a prestigious position to get. Well, a person in this position will get some benefits. However, it is not easy to be a new project manager. There will be a tight selection in the recruitment process to get a professional candidate.

When you have a desire to be a project manager, of course, you need to prepare yourself, including writing a professional resume. A resume, as we know, will be the first document to be read by the recruiter to know the capabilities of the candidate.

On this occasion, we will talk about the resume of the project manager and what to be done in writing it. For those who are curious about it, please read the whole writings below.

Sample of Project Manager Resume

To ease you in writing your resume, here we will show you a simple sample of it. This sample is easy to be followed and it can be a good reference.

Read the whole sample here.

Moore Ebony

New York, NY | (123) 188-1991 | moore.ebony@gmail.com

Professional Summary

A high-dedicated, hardworking, and experienced project manager with more than 10 years of experience driving different projects and leading effective and efficient teams.


Hawaii Western University

Bachelor’s of Management

June 1999 – July 2002


Jenkins Tech, Senior Project Manager

July 2019 – current

  • Mapping the project to track the budget
  • Collaborating with the participants to determine the timeline of the project
  • Create the whole strategy plan and project documentation
  • Responsible to manage the budget and forecasting
  • Handling the risk management, execution, and reporting the status

Crane Tech, Senior Program Manager

May 2015 – June 2019

  • Provided kinds of guidance to the team in handling the different programs
  • Developed the plans of the projects to maintain the forecast, write an estimate, and find the resource of the assignment
  • Created and managed the plan of the master program
  • Managed the whole program until it is finished

Cloud Tech, Product Manager

January 2013 – April 2015

  • Develop the different strategies to handle the business plan
  • Created the plan for the mitigation
  • Collaborated with the participant to determine the timeline of the product


  • Team management
  • Vendor management
  • Conflict management
  • Time management
  • Attention to detail
  • Leadership

The sample above can be a good reference for you. It is simple and clear. You could know what to be inserted in a good resume.

How to Make Project Manager Resume

As we have said before, a resume is a very essential document to be prepared for those who want to join the recruitment process to be a new manager of some projects. Well, to write a better resume, there are some steps to follow, as:

  • Choose the right format of a professional resume
  • Include the basic contact information
  • Write about the working experience
  • Include the educational information
  • Write about some relevant skills
  • Add more important information when it is needed

Those steps could be guidance when you want to write a professional resume. We know that you may find other ways to be applied, but the steps above can be an additional reference.

People also ask

What are the soft skills that a project manager needs to have?

A project manager should have some soft skills to show that they have high capabilities. Some soft skills that a project manager candidate needs to have are:

  • Organization skills
  • Time management
  • Leadership
  • Collaboration skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Critical thinking
  • Effective communication both verbal and written
  • Interpersonal skills

What are tips to write an excellent resume for a project manager?

To make a good resume, you may need some specific tips. The tips to make an excellent resume for a project manager are:

  • Do not put everything on a resume, especially unnecessary information
  • Keep the resume simple but complete
  • Write a specific and interesting personal summary
  • Keep the resume chronologically to increase the readability
  • Keep a resume on a page

What are mistakes to avoid in writing a professional resume?

There are also some mistakes to be avoided when you want to write a professional resume. The mistakes to be avoided are:

  • Writing too much text inside a resume
  • Using an unprofessional email address
  • Using the same resume for the different job applications
  • Being too ambiguous
  • Writing unclear text
  • Using irrelevant social media

Kinds ofProject Manager Resume Template

To ease you in writing a professional project manager resume, you may use a template. Well, a resume template will ease your job since it shows a clear arrangement about what to be written inside a resume.

Here, we have some templates that you may apply as a reference. The templates are:

Construction Project Manager Resume Template

The construction needs a powerful and high integrated project manager. That is why the recruitment process will be tight. If you want to get this position, you need to highlight your capabilities and experience. This template will help you to do it.

IT Project Manager Resume Template

When you have some capabilities in IT, becoming the manager of some IT projects is a great position to be gotten. You may consider this template as a way to create a professional resume. This template is not only clear but also easy to follow.

Senior Project Manager Resume Template

With great experience in different projects, becoming a senior project manager will be easier. However, you need to make sure that you have the kinds of capabilities that the management needs. Here, this project manager resume template could help you in mentioning it.

Technical Project Manager Resume Template

For those who want to be a new technical project manager, this template can be a good reference to start introducing the whole capabilities. This template starts a resume with a brief profile and followed by some points about education and experience.

Assistant Project Manager Resume Template

Do you want to be an assistant project manager? Well, it is a good position to be considered, especially when you want to start your career. To reach your dream, here we have a simple resume template that you may follow.

Well, that is all about the resume of project manager that you need to know. Please be careful in writing it to get a professional document. Then, do not forget to proofread the whole resume to maintain some mistakes that may happen before printing.


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