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Very Easy, Here Are Some Steps To Make A Gantt Chart Monitor The Progress Of Your Project!
Project management should be thought carefully, considered, and discussed. In project management, you will find various goals that must be achieved and estimated on the right day when you build a building with a small level. Because if a goal is backward from what was planned, then a project will not go according to plan, aka delayed. How to solve it? Use the Gantt chart! You can maintain the productivity of the project work with your compact team about the progress you have made, so don’t forget to update all developments.
The steps in making a Gantt chart to keep the project under control
Gantt chart are handy as project planning and scheduling. This chart will assess how long the project must be carried out, what resources are needed, and plan complex sequences in which you and the team will complete the objectives that have been made. It’s helpful to use this tool to monitor the progress of a project you are running and determine the next steps when a goal has been achieved. Want to use it? We provide easy steps in compiling this chart to make it structured and systematic.
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- Identify important targets
Using the Gantt chart is useless if you don’t include essential goals in a project. So, compile all existing job lists, don’t miss it. Making a list will make it easier for you to organize a target that will be worked on in a project. For example, suppose you are assigned an internet website creation project. In that case, you will need targets such as scope analysis (1 week), domain registration, and hosting settings (2 days), central server configuration (2 days), etc.
- Identify a relationship between targets.
In this step, the chart will attempt to show the tasks in a project. In short, where you have to complete the first task before moving on to the next job. In this graph, there are three relationships between functions, namely Finish to Start (FS) where a task cannot be done before a related task is completed but can be done later, Start to Start (SS) where a job cannot be performed before the previous task is completed, and Finish to Finish (FF), where a task cannot end before the previous responsibility ends. You can divide the assignments according to the relationship above.
- Enter into a template or software
If you have compiled all of the two steps above, you can enter data or import it into the related software or template. There is much software that offers Gantt chart creation, such as Microsoft Project, Matchware, or Gantto coins. You can also do this using templates that are available and can be done in Microsoft Excel
- Always monitor the progress made.
Because a project will continue and will never stop until all tasks have been completed, you must monitor all the progress made and update the graphic display.
Gantt Chart Ideas
Gantt Chart Example
Those are some of the steps in compiling a structured and systematic Gantt chart. Don’t forget to track the progress of your project!