19+ CV Format Template and How to Compose the Right Structure

If you think that a CV format is no longer needed, think again. Today, there is always a lot of possibility of what the future employers may ask you. They may ask you to send only the application letter. They may ask you to send only the resume and the CV. They may ask you to send the complete cover letter, CV, and also resume. Just because you have composed your resume, it doesn’t hurt if you know some of the right format for the CV.

Understanding a CV

CV is the short of Curriculum Vitae, meaning course of life. If you see the standard CV format, it usually comes within a list of categories – your education, your personal info, your previous working history, and such thing alike.  Professionals mostly refer to a CV as the lists of detailed information of not only one’s experience, qualifications, and education but also accomplishments and achievements.

So, what difference of a CV and a resume? Well, a resume is basically consisting of one page of concise and sweet education and work, especially highlighted accomplishments and achievements. It shouldn’t be more than a page long. And a resume is usually written in a standard formal construction divided in paragraphs.

A CV, on the other hand, is in the form of lists – and they can be quite long, depending on your education background and professional experience. If you have taken several degrees, then the lists can go on and on. If you have done several professional work, especially if you have several different experiences in different fields, then it will add up the length of your CV.

How to Use the CV?

Although you may be presented with the general structure of a regular CV format, it doesn’t hurt to put a little bit of creativity.

  • Unlike the resume which should be written in a formal and serious tone, tweaking the CV is more fun. Of course, you still need to divide the areas into sections – just to make it readable and presentable, but the CV doesn’t have to be boring and plain. You can add colors and frames. You can add sections for your photo. Take a look at some examples of modern and creative CV and you will understand what I mean.
  • Do divide the CV into sections. Education should be different from professional experience. Even when you have different jobs, it can be great if you can divide them into their own categories. For instance, taking a part in book composing team can be different from the one working for managerial department. Under the book composing team, you can list the titles of the books you have made. Under the managerial department, you can list the jobs or projects or achievements you have done.

In the end, if your employer asks you to send your CV, you now know what to do, right? Don’t forget that CV is the complete lists of everything you have done – education, work, project, etc. If you need to consult the CV format, you know where to find one.

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