10+ Christmas Wish List example psd design

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Use a Christmas Wish List Template and Expect a gift!


Christmas Eve is a day of celebration that cannot be missed. Celebrate with your family, friends, college friends, to your business partners. Forget for a moment about your business, the piling up homework, and the higher office workload. If you want to celebrate with your beloved child, make a wish list of what you want to get on Christmas Eve and next year. Have unlimited fun, and celebrate the whole day. You can have a lot of fun with the list! Immediately create, design, and modify the Christmas wish list template so that your Christmas Eve with your family will be even more fun and exhilarating!

Five tips for redesigning a Christmas wish list template!

Using a Christmas wish list template is a surefire way to have fun on a happy Christmas Eve. Besides exchanging gifts between family members and closest relatives, you can also ask someone to tell you what you want this Christmas Eve and next year. It doesn’t need to be realistic, imagine it’s okay. You can spend this fun until late at night. Are you interested in using the Christmas wish list template? Here we review a few quick tips for designing it so that it becomes a list to look forward to.

  1. Determine the theme

Before starting to make a list, to make it more interesting, prepare an item that will be displayed later. You can browse through the Christmas wish list templates, which can be used immediately. Choose according to your wishes. If you want to use a romantic atmosphere, you can choose shades of red or rose flowers. If you’re going to carry out Christmas Eve with a cheerful atmosphere, you can use a theme with a party atmosphere complete with balloons and trumpets. The design, however you like!

  1. Design with your favorite color

Don’t forget to use a color that suits your preferences. If you are confused about choosing a color, you can imitate the color that is most dominant in the theme that has been applied. Don’t forget to use matching colors, so that they are pleasing to the eye.

  1. Add multiple headings

Add multiple headers over the blank fields that will be filled in by all requests and wishes. You can add titles with the category name, date, wish, and more. Customize according to your preferences.

  1. Add illustrations

Don’t forget to add cute and unique illustrations to increase the fun of asking for requests. You can add Christmas-related images such as a fir tree and its lights, or a Merry Christmas graffiti lettering.

  1. Border

The last thing that you apply and may not is adding a border. Add a border around the Christmas wish list template so that it doesn’t look lonely and beautiful. However, if it is seen as too crowded, you can remove it and replace it with a variety of unique and funny illustrations.

Christmas Wish List Ideas

Christmas Wish List Example

Those are some quick tips for redesigning the Christmas wish list template to make it an attractive list for asking for a gift. Please hurry up and use it on Christmas Eve to have lots of fun!








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