6+ Simple Invoice Template


Invoicing the Customers Using the Simple Invoice Template Sample


Running a business can be separated from invoicing the customers. Using a simple invoice template sample can help you to record and track the transactions.

When you set up a business, you sell goods and services all at once to customers and clients. The items will be charged to them via invoice. A simple invoice template sample is needed. How do you make this template?


Simple Invoice Template Sample

In creating this simple invoice template sample, there are some steps you need to follow. What are they?

1. Step by Step Creating simple invoice template sample

  • Look professional

The invoice you give to the customers needs to look professional. You can use professional fonts to style professional. But you need to match it with your brand. To look professional, you also need to add a logo and color it.


  • State the title ‘Invoice’ clearly

The title of the document you give to the customers also needs to be precise. Since the customers may receive many materials from you, you need to state the title of the invoice clearly. So, your customers understand the sum of money they have to pay.

  • Write the name of your company and your customer’s company

Since this document deals with both of you and your clients, you have to write your company and your contact information as well as your clients’ names and information.

  • Describe the items or services you deliver to the customers

A brief description of the things or services you provide is essential to be in the simple invoice template sample. So, both you and the customers will not have any misunderstanding.

  • Write down the dates

The dates in the invoice include the time you provide the item or service and the date you create the invoice


  • State the total money clearly

You need to charge the customers about the things or services you served. So, you need to state it clearly, including the discount you give. There will be a total cost space to know how much money a customer needs to pay to you.


  • The terms of payment

There will be an agreement between you and customers about the terms of payment. If both of you agree, you need to mention them in the invoice. You can also explain how customers can do the method of payment.


2. The benefits of a simple invoice template sample

  • Comprehensive features: the features are only the essential features you put. This invoice can be so detailed to understand
  • Record the financial flow: this invoice can track the finance of your business. You can record every single transaction through this invoice template


Having a simple invoice template sample for your business will be beneficial. You can obtain critical information about giving an invoice.


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